Dear Parents!

Thank you to the many parents who've written inquiring about the Writers Studio workshops. While I wasn't planning to teach this summer, your enthusiasm has been the impetus to put some workshops together! I am truly touched.


The most popular workshops are Aspiring Authors, Aspiring Tweens and Little Shakespeare. The course I teach in each time slot will be determined by the majority number of requests for it, by specific age groups. So if I get the most requests from parents of 7 year olds for Session A, it will become a Little Shakespeare class. Unless parents have a group in Lisle, the workshops will be in the Glen Ellyn North/ Glendale Heights area or at Wheaton Library.

Besides working with older students on college essays, I am also working online with Middle School, High School and Adult writers who have a novel in the making.


There will only be 3 workshops this summer. I've expanded them to 1.5 hours per day within a M-Th. framework, for a total of 6 hours. Students will write as much as possible during our session, rather than at home. As always, qualifying stories that have been completed, proofread and typed up, will be submitted for possible publication.


Aliya Husain, a writer I've worked with, is now an author on Amazon. She has sold almost 100 copies in pre-orders and since its release on Amazon, last week. I encourage you to check out Neither This Nor That by Aliya Husain. My daughter, Taskeen, too won 1st place in a National Writing Competition this year and can be read at Writers Studio and at Writers Slate, page 28. All WS students whose work qualified, can be read at here.

Feel free to write me with any questions. Since there are only limited sessions, Sign up Today!



(630) 915-8654

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gimme 5 with Bailey Bystery, 11, Winner of River of Words 2008 Contest

1) What was it like winning the River of Words Competition, especially considering you were amongst the top 100 out of 20,000 entries ?
Surreal. I still giggle every time I Google myself =)
2) What do you love most about writing at the Writers Studio ?
No rubric! I can write anything I want. Also, it's like reading a book; you watch it all come together into a story.
3) What did all the media attention feel like ?
( Hehe) it was fun! I went to school and I was like, "I'm in the newspaper!" Some people even gave me the articles (about) me because they had seen me in the paper (but probably their parents made them do it). But everyone was really thrilled for me. At lunch they were all like, "Let me see it! Let me see it!"
4) What projects and goals are you working on currently at the Writers Studio?
I want to publish a novel =D And, I'm working on a 100 - page story for a contest.
5) How do you feel about the workshops and how have they contributed to your writing ?
Honestly, I just wouldn't write. That's why I keep telling my mom to sign me up; it keeps me motivated.
6) Has that win, and the subsequent Glen Ellyn Library win, changed you or your perspective?
I guess it told me that I really am a good writer.
7) What advice do you have for other writers ?
Umm... I'd say just write what's in your heart (haha that was sappy). And write what you would enjoy reading, because that's probably what others want to read too.

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